
How To Get Into National Honor Society

​​N.H.S. - National Honor Society

National Honor Society

Advisor: Mrs. Susan Owings & Ms. Susan Sparks

The National Honor Society is an organization designed to recognize students based on their academics, character, leadership and community service.

Students become eligible the second semester of their junior year.

In order for a junior to become eligible for the National Honor Society, he or she must have at least a 3.0 unweighted grade point average. Once they have achieved that GPA, they are notified that they are eligible and are invited to continue the process.

The application process continues with the student displaying evidence of their leadership, community service and overall involvement and commitment to the school and community. The character of the student is also evaluated.

Upon completion of the application process, the National Honor Society Faculty Council votes on the applications and decides who best represents the qualities essential for membership into the National Honor Society.

Once a student is voted into the National Honor Society, they attend an induction ceremony, receive a certificate of membership and sign their name into the National Honor Society Membership Ledger.

The benefits for being part of the National Honor Society are being able to add the honor to college applications and lifetime membership in this prestigious organization.

Fees include $25.00 to purchase stole for graduation plus dues of $10.00 to help with the purchase of supplies and association dues.

UPDATED 3/27/19: These forms should only be completed by students who have attended the

National Honor Society meeting with Mrs. Owings and Ms. Sparks.

(if it asks for a password, click on 'cancel')

How To Get Into National Honor Society


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