
Ben Affleck And Jennifer Garner Movies

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Jennifer Garner 'not Happy' After Ben Affleck Let Their 10-year-old Son Bulldoze Lamborghini

Ben Affleck was recently in the news later on his x-year-erstwhile son Samuel got into a minor accident when he bumped a Lamborghini SUV into a BMW parked nearby

Jennifer Garner

Image: AP, Twitter/@bestgug

Veteran Hollywood actor Ben Affleck was recently in the news after his 10-year-old son Samuel Garner Affleck got into a minor accident when he bumped a xanthous Lamborghini SUV into a BMW parked nearby. The incident took identify at a car rental dealership in Los Angeles and Ben Affleck and his fiancee Jennifer Lopez were at the location as well. Ben Affleck's ex, Jennifer Garner, who he shares Samuel with, was reportedly 'not happy with theJustice League thespian over the incident.

Jennifer Garner on son's recent Lamborghini accident

HollywoodLife spoke to an individual close to the histrion, who revealed that Jennifer Garner is 'not happy' with Ben Affleck after their son got into an accident. The source mentioned that Ben is besides upset about the state of affairs and has 'apologized profusely' to Garner, who hopes the duo has 'learned a lesson' later on the incident. The player also 'does not concur any animosity' towards Ben'south fiancĂ©, Jennifer Lopez, who was also present at the location, because, according to her, Ben 'should've known better'. She is 'beyond thankful nobody got hurt'. The source told the publication-

"Jen was non happy when she found out Ben let their son drive, particularly given he was driving a sports automobile in an enclosed space of all things. She knows how dangerous that was and she knows things could have gone very desperately then she's across thankful nobody got hurt. Even though J. Lo is a mom and likely knows how risky that was, Jen doesn't arraign her at all because Ben should've known meliorate. Jen knows Ben was also very upset over the whole matter. He apologized profusely and told her how deplorable he was. She'south moved on but hopes Ben and Samuel learned a lesson from this whole affair."

Ben Affleck'south son's Lamborghini blow

According toTMZ, the 10-twelvemonth-old was seated in the commuter's seat of a Lamborghini Urus which can be rented for a day for $1,475. While he was at the wheel, the car went into reverse and banged a parked BMW. In that location were no major amercement and no 1 was hurt in the accident. Pictures of Ben with his son and fiance at the location have been doing the rounds online, e'er since the accident.

Prototype: AP, Twitter/@bestgug

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